
World of warships british aircraft carriers
World of warships british aircraft carriers

When you upgrade to SB2C Helldivers, they drop 3 torps instead of 2: giving you more chances in succeeding the drop. They have a good amount of HP, which allows you to drop your payload at a closer distance. However, they are able to deal more damage when all of them hit. But if you are able to hit destroyers with these, it will reward you greatly.Īmerican torpedo planes are not as good as IJN ones as they lack speed (35kts) and range (3.9km). It is best advised to use these against larger targets due to the inaccuracy of the Tiny Tims. You'll have to aim carefully in order to be successful in hitting destroyers with these rockets. Tiny Tims are heavy rockets that hit hard (68mm of pen) but only 6 rockets are launched. Izumo, Großer_Kurfürst, etc, but are useful for Republique, Alsace, most cruisers) and don't deal as much damage (max 2000).

world of warships british aircraft carriers

They are somewhat less effective in attacking targets with a thick deck armour due to lack of penetration (ex. The HVARs have an HE pen of 32mm but launches the payloads more densely, making it easier to hit DDs even when mis-targeted. You have two choices in upgrading your attack planes: the HVAR 127mm rockets or the Tiny Tims. The CV itself has a large detection radius of 14.5km, so careful positioning behind islands and such is vital in survival.

world of warships british aircraft carriers

The higher health pool of its planes will help immensely in survival and in attack potential. Although she has a strong wing of aircraft, careful usage of her bomber aircraft is vital as the anti-aircraft power of most tier VIII ships and above that she will encounter begins to be very competitive. She is fast - 33.6 knots - but she turns like a brick, and her huge size advertises her presence for miles around. Overall, Lexington is a strong tier VIII aircraft carrier. The data presented in the AA Defense sidebar section may be incorrect.

World of warships british aircraft carriers